Lightning Fast with Astro

Modern static website generator going back to basics

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After scaling for years React applications and playing with the boundaries of what the library provides, I wanted to try something fresh to finally build my personal website and share my experience.

A friend and co-worker, @javimbk, mentioned that Astro might be something that could interest me and I gave it a shot. It is mindblowing how easily advanced features can be used to build content focused Web platforms.

In terms of technology, it brings back some Pug.js vibe while having all modern tools to implement scable static sites.

Over the past few months, the framework added support for SSR and dynamic content can also be generated with a serverless approach in order to deployed to your favorite infrastructure.

One of the big drawback that I observed is the lack of client-side routing since it drastically improves the percieved performance while navigating between two pages. However, this is something which has been recently be added to Astro roadmap with withastro/roadmap#532!